Tom Keenan is a founding partner, and President of Strategic Healthcare Initiatives, Inc.
Mr. Keenan has had a diverse career in insurance, health care strategies and healthy lifestyle programs. In his careers as a consultant and health care executive, he has had the opportunity to work closely with Insurance companies, Children’s hospitals and health care organizations providing “start-up” operations for HMO’s, PPO’s, and other insurance companies. The focus on healthy kids programs lead to the development of NonStop™, a behavior modification program promoting an active lifestyle for children, and NonStop Fuel a healthy vending company.
Mr. Keenan is also the President of the Sporting Club at Land’s End. Mr. Keenan has been the president and board member of many organizations including: Strategic Healthcare Initiatives, Going NonStop, The Sporting Club at Land’s End, Land’s End Home Owners Association, Castle Crags LLC, Life Information Inc., Advanced Plan for Health, and Strategic Franchise Services Inc.
Mr. Keenan and Debby, his wife of 50 years, have been residents of Wood County for the past 15 years. Debby and Tom have two sons and three grandchildren.
Mr. Keenan holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Indiana University.